Why do you always expect the worst things to happen in life? Let’s be real for a second. How many times have you said, “I knew that was going to happen” when something bad went down? Dont lie. And then, lo and behold, it actually happened. Do you think you all of a sudden develope psychic powers, or is there something deeper at play? The hidden truth is: it’s all about frequency—and your expectations are running the show.
I know I know some of you want to click off already and might be rolling your eyes but trust me. I have first hand experience and I have witnessed some almost supernatural events that I can never say cause I will be seen as crazy and non of you will read my stuff anymore… Thats a dark thought, but any way the truth is, Expectancy creates reality. The universe has been quietly following your lead, and it’s time you learned how to take charge. The truth is, expectancy is more powerful than any vision board, mantra, or late-night manifestation journal session. Let’s unpack why this happens and, more importantly, how you can flip the script to start creating the life you actually want.
Expectation vs. Belief: Know the Difference

Most people think manifestation is about believing. Newsflash: belief is not enough. Imagine you’re at a restaurant, and you believe they’ll serve you the perfect steak. But if you don’t actually order it with confidence, you’re just sitting there hungry. Expectation is like placing the order—it’s knowing it’s on its way without a shadow of a doubt.
Think about it: when you flick a light switch, do you believe the light will come on, or do you know it will? That kind of certainty—the “I’m not even questioning this” vibe—is the same level of conviction you need to manifest your desires.
I learned this the hard way. Back in college, I really wanted an internship with this fancy tech company. I’d tell myself, “I believe I’ll get it,” but deep down, I expected rejection because, well, imposter syndrome. Guess what? I didn’t get it. The next year, I switched gears. I walked into that interview already imagining myself at their office coffee machine. I expected to land the gig, and… I did. Coincidence? Nah.
How the World Programs You to Expect the Worst

Here’s the kicker: the world has trained you to expect the worst. Think about it. From news headlines to casual conversations, negativity is everywhere. It’s almost like expecting the worst is a default setting.
For example, let’s talk about recessions. The media blasts headlines about financial doom and gloom, layoffs, and rising costs. You start expecting money struggles, and suddenly, your wallet feels lighter. Is it because the world is right? Nope. It’s because your expectations aligned with that reality.
The worst part? It’s not just external programming; our own defense mechanisms play a role too. When life knocks you down, you start normalizing disappointment as a way to protect yourself from future letdowns. It’s like saying, “If I expect the worst, I won’t be hurt again.” But here’s the thing: by expecting the worst, you’re also creating it.
Flip the Script: Expect the Best

So how do you stop this cycle and start expecting the best? The secret lies in preparation—or as I like to call it, “digging ditches in the desert.” Let me explain.
There’s a story about the prophet Elijah during a severe drought. People needed water desperately. Elijah told them to dig ditches in the desert to prepare for rain… even though there wasn’t a single cloud in the sky. Sounds crazy, right? But guess what? The rain came, and the ditches were filled.
The takeaway? Expectation isn’t just sitting around hoping for good things to happen. It’s preparing for your desired reality as if it’s already on its way. When I wanted to start my own business, I didn’t just hope it would work out. I created a website, started networking, and cleared space in my schedule—even when I had no clients yet. That’s digging your ditches.
Conviction: The Missing Ingredient

Here’s the real magic: conviction. It’s not about “I hope this works” or “I think this might happen.” It’s about knowing it will. Conviction leaves no room for doubt. Think of it like when your name is called at Starbucks. You’re not questioning whether it’s your drink; you’re already reaching for it. That’s the energy you need to bring to your expectations.
Create Your Bubble

If you want to create the reality you desire, you cannot live in the noise of the outside world. You have to establish your own mental bubble, a space where your ambitions and goals align. Remove anything that does not align with your vision. This is deciding to concentrate on the reality you’re creating, not ignoring the real world.
For me, this meant avoiding unpleasant news cycles and limiting my interactions with negative thinkers.
This doesn’t mean ignoring reality; it means choosing to focus on the reality you’re creating.
For me, this meant cutting out toxic news cycles and spending less time with people who loved to dwell on the negative. Instead, I doubled down on reading books and articles that inspired me and kept my focus sharp. (Pro tip: Replace your morning scroll with content that uplifts your vibe.)
Final Thoughts
Your life right now might feel like a desert—dry, hopeless, and stuck. But just like Elijah, you have to dig those ditches and expect the rain. Stop letting past disappointments hold you back. Move forward with conviction, knowing that your desired reality is on its way.
Remember, you don’t get what you want; you get who you are. And who you are is defined by what you expect. So expect the best. Prepare for it. And when it arrives, you’ll wonder why you ever doubted yourself in the first place.
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